Monday, September 26, 2022

Tree monsters

(April 2016)

Here's some tree monsters I created about a year and a half ago from wire, green stuff and leftover bits from the GW dryads box.

They were supposed to be treekin for Warhammer but then, you know, that *thing* happened to the Warhammer world and stuffed up my plans for building a wood elf army. I'm sure they'll still pop up in a roleplay game or Kings of War battle somewhere. 

Faces added with greenstuff. Ironically the hands I added were mostly made from dryad faces. 

Paintwork done including owl, little imp and skull with leaves.

I made a total of six of these beasts and based them on 40mm bases.


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 So, I lost access to my old site, , so I've recreated it here.